Monday, December 1, 2008

Sarkozy insisted see the Dalai Lama, the French presidential palace to ignore Beijing

China has announced plans to postpone the original Dec. 1 meeting in Lyon, France, China and the European Union summit in 2008. Paris regrets that statement, but presidential spokesman Chartres in France on the 26th that "to ignore Beijing's stance, French President Sarkozy will be held on December 6 as planned in Poland to meet the Dalai Lama."
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang on this response to a reporter's question that involves the Tibet issue concerns China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, involving China's core interests. China is firmly opposed to foreign leaders with the Dalai Lama in any form of contact. EU experts to accept an interview with Deutsche Welle reporters when alluding to the Chinese attitude at that time than on the more intense Merkel, worried about China-EU relations which will be a nose-dive.
EU-China relationship between this year has more than once into a state of tension. Brussels Center for European Policy Studies in Asia adviser for Deutsche Welle Bell Trajkovski said that the EU summit on the abolition of the Chinese side is not completely ready, "China has always stressed that other countries should not interfere in its internal affairs, especially in the Dalai Lama and Tibet On. September 2007 German Chancellor Angela Merkel met the Dalai Lama, on the Sino-German diplomatic storm caused. "
Merkel and Sarkozy are both important countries in the European Union leaders, however, Sarkozy also both the current EU presidency identity. This summer, Sarkozy did during the Olympic Games in a meeting with the Dalai Lama, but arrangements for the First Lady Bulv Ni in a non-market activities of the contract to meet the Dalai Lama.
China-EU Summit and the European Union is China's highest-ranking official of the regular communication mechanisms, once a year alternately in Europe and held in Beijing this year is the 11th, "a close and expansion of relations with China, over the years has been the EU's foreign economic and security policy The important issue. Summit of the China-EU cooperation is very important symbolic meaning. Postponed a high-level meeting in Beijing to convey the message that the territorial sovereignty of China is an unshakable principle, if the other side can not accept, and would rather work with the European Union to freeze the level of Relationship. "

Trajkovski Bell believes that the key question is whether the two sides on a new plan to the summit to reach agreement. Due to the approach of December, has not been possible during the year, arrangements for the new session. Next year, the Czech Republic will take over as France holds the rotating EU presidency. China-EU summit is only being postponed or canceled, and a new look at how to take the presidency.
